A 10-issue magazine dedicated to cinema in Asia

Subscribe (personal)


Personal subscriptions to NANG have been closed as the project is due to reach its conclusion in late 2021. Individual issues can be purchased via our e-shop.


Subscribe (institutional)

NANG is working in collaboration with Intellect for institutional subscriptions.

Subscribers can now order online via Turpin Distribution or by contacting Turpin at the addresses below:

UK, EU & Rest of World orders (except Americas):
Turpin Distribution, Pegasus Drive, Stratton Business Park,
Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8TQ, UK
T: +44 (0)1767 604951 / F: +44 (0)1767 601640
E: custserv@turpin-distribution.com
W: www.turpin-distribution.com

US, Canadian and Rest of Americas orders:
Turpin Distribution, The Bleachery, 
143 West Street, New Milford,
Connecticut, CT 06776, USA
T: +1 860 350 0041 / F: +1 860 350 0039
E: turpinna@turpin-distribution.com
W: www.turpin-distribution.com

Further information on ordering is also available on Intellect’s website.