Here’s our call for entries for NANG 3: FICTION — edited by Malaysian writer, publisher and occasional movie-maker Amir Muhammad.
We seek original fictional short stories or comics that are inspired by actual Asian movies across the ages and genres (whether indie or mainstream, successful or unsuccessful, widely-available or off-the-beaten-track).
Stories may be “fan fiction” or creative interpretations or subversive interventions into an actual movie. They may feature the experience of watching that particular movie, or have some elements from that movie feature in the story. They should not be straightforward retellings of the plot on the screen, but just use something from the chosen movie to spin off into an original story on the page.
Writers are welcome from all over the world, but each story needs to reference one specific movie from Asia (by which we refer here to the vast land and sea regions stretching from Yemen to Japan). If needed, you may perhaps check on Wikipedia to see which countries are considered “Asian”! Within this, we want to have as diverse a representation as possible when it comes to countries, movies, writers and approaches.
Length: 2,000 to 5,000 words (for a comic, 5-10 pages, color or b/w). In English or translated into English. Authors of each accepted story will receive a pay of US$100 and will retain copyright of their work.
Do send entries and queries to:
Deadline: 30 April 2017